Technicolor CGA4234 WiFi Modem Router
Note: If you have ordered Atlantic Broadband home phone service, you will also need a phone cord, which will be included.
Follow these steps to connect your new gateway, the all-in-one device that allows you to utilize both wired and wireless (WiFi) devices.
- Locate cable wall outlet (coaxial) in a central location. It will look like this:
- Connect the coaxial cable from the wall to gateway A (insert it into the connector and turn the barrel to tighten).
- Connect the power cord from the gateway to the wall outlet B. The gateway will update once powered on. This process will take approximately 15 minutes. Once the lights on the front of the gateway are glowing steadily, it’s ready to use.
- If you’re connecting a wired device, use the Ethernet cord provided to connect the gateway to the back of the device B.
Note: If you’re connecting to Atlantic Broadband phone service, use the phone cord to connect your phone to the gateway D.
To connect to your new WiFi network, you can keep the default WiFi network names and passwords OR you can rename them. To connect to the default WiFi network:
- Look for the label on the bottom of your gateway (example shown here). You’ll see both 2.4GHz and 5GHz “SSIDs” (5G SSID is in the yellow box), as well as a “Pre-Shared Key” or password (Pre-Shared Key for both networks in the blue box).
- Go to “Settings” on a smartphone or laptop.
- Locate the unique 5G SSID on your gateway, and then select it from your available WiFi networks list. If you don’t see the 5G SSID listed, select the 2.4G SSID instead. Then input the password or “Pre-Shared Key” from your label. Your device is now connected to your home WiFi network!
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 to connect all the wireless devices in your home to your new WiFi network.
Note: To rename your new WiFi networks, please visit for further instructions.
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Technicolor CGA4234 WiFi Modem Router-FAQs
What is the default password for the Technicolor CGA4234 modem?
The default username is “user,” and there is no password required.
What is the IP address to access my Technicolor CGA4234 router?
Open a web browser and enter in the address bar to access the router’s web-based interface.
What is the admin password for a Technicolor router?
The default admin username is Admin, and the password is usually the serial number (SN) found on the back of the router.
How can I find my modem’s admin password?
Check the router manual or the sticker on the back of your device. The default username is often admin, and the password is either admin or password.
Why is my Technicolor WiFi not working?
Ensure the power switch is turned on, the power supply is securely connected, and the cables are undamaged. If using a WiFi mesh, check that it is properly powered.
How do I reset my Technicolor router?
Press and hold the reset button until the device reboots. It will attempt to reconnect and restore the last known good configuration, which may take up to five minutes.
What is the security key for my Technicolor router?
The default username is admin, and the password may be admin or the access key found on the label at the back of the router.
How do I turn on WiFi on my Technicolor modem?
Press and hold the wireless button on the top of the router for 5 seconds to reactivate WiFi. The WiFi icon should light up when enabled.