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Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-feat

Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide

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Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation

Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-prod

Get to Know Your Home Security System

  • WiFi
  • SecureLink
  • Cellular

Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-1

  1. Professional Monitoring, cellular backup, and Smoke and CO alarm listening require a professional monitoring subscription after the trial.
  2. Battery life will vary with usage.

Professional Monitoring or Self-monitoring

Arlo Professional Monitoring service can alert 24/7 Live Security Experts when a security event occurs at your home.1 After your trial period of professional monitoring service, you can subscribe to a professional monitoring plan or choose to self-monitor.Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-2

Get to Know Your Keypad Sensor Hub

The Keypad Sensor Hub lets you change the security modes of your security system to: Arm Away, Arm Home, and Standby, turn the integrated siren on and off, and request assistance from a 24/7 Live Security Expert.1 The Keypad Sensor Hub also includes a motion sensor and a microphone that listens for smoke/CO alarms.Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-3

Keypad Sensor Hub Placement Tips

Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-4

Keypad Sensor Hub Buttons

  • Armed Away: Use this mode for security when no one is inside the home. Open access and indoor motion detection will trigger the alarm by default.
  • Armed Home: Use this mode for security when someone is home. Open access will trigger the alarm by default, while motion detection inside the home will not.
  • Standby: Use this mode when you don’t want to trigger the alarm. You can choose to still receive notifications when an event is detected.
  • Panic: Press and hold for 2 seconds to activate the customizable panic response (siren, connected lights, and/or request assistance from a 24/7 Live Security Expert.
  • Fire: Press and hold this button for 2 seconds to request assistance for a fire emergency.1
  • Police: Press and hold this button for 2 seconds to request assistance from the police.1
  • Medical: Press and hold this button for 2 seconds to request assistance for a medical emergency.1
  • Cancel: Use this if you press an incorrect number while entering your PIN, and wish to start over.
  • Enter/Accept: Use this to submit your PIN or override device warnings.

Keypad Sensor Hub LED Behavior

Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-5

Optional Cellular and Battery Backup

The Arlo Cellular and Battery Backup device (sold separately) is an optional accessory that connects to the Keypad Sensor Hub. This device includes a pre-inserted SIM card and provides 12 hours of standby battery power for the Keypad Sensor Hub in the event of a power outage.³

With an Arlo professional monitoring plan, the SIM will automatically be activated and keep your Home Security System online through a cellular network in the event of an internet outage.Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-6Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-7

Get to Know Your All-In-One Sensor

Eight sensing functions allow you to place the Sensor anywhere you need coverage inside your home. One or more functions can be selected via the Arlo Secure App.Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-8

All-In-One Sensor Placement Tips

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All-In-One Sensor Placement Tips

Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-10

All-In-One Sensor Battery Replacement

The All-In-One Sensor uses a coin cell CR2477 lithium battery.

  1. To access the battery compartment, slide the front cover of the All-In-One Sensor down and lift it off the back housing.Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-11
  2. Replace the CR2477 battery, noting the correct orientation.
  3. Place the front cover of the All-In-One Sensor onto the back housing and securely close the battery compartment.Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-12

All-In-One Sensor Sync Button Functions

The Sync button performs different tasks depending on whether you are setting up the Sensor or applying functional changes.Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-13

All-In-One Sensor LED Behavior

Each Sensor has one LED located under the front face which lights up to indicate status events.Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-14

Security PIN Types

  • Primary PIN: Created during initial setup – required for security system. Can be edited, but not disabled.
  • Secondary PIN1: Optional PINs for family or visitors. Can be edited, scheduled for restricted access only during certain days/times, or disabled.
  • Duress PIN1: Optional PIN to silently request for police. Can be edited or deleted.

Changing Security System Modes

To change the security system mode from the Keypad

  1. Press the desired mode button.
  2. If a PIN is required for that mode, enter the PIN, and press the Check button.

By default, PIN entry is not required when changing from a low-security mode to a higher-security mode:



Current Mode

The mode you want to change to:

Standby                      Arm Home                     Arm Away

Standby———Not requiredNot required
Arm HomePIN required———–Not required
Arm AwayPIN requiredPIN required———-

Entry and Exit Delays

  • Entry Delay: When the system is armed, this is the length of time you have to enter your PIN before an Open access or Motion event triggers the alarm. Event notifications and other cross-trigger actions such as camera recording are not affected by Entry Delay. To stop the Entry Delay countdown before triggering the alarm, Press Standby, enter the PIN, and press the Check button from the Keypad. You can also tap Standby in the Arlo Secure App instead.
  • Exit Delay: When you change the Security Mode, this is the length of time you have to exit before an Open access or Motion event is enabled to trigger the security alarm.
  • Countdown during Entry or Exit Delay: The keypad starts beeping to let you know the countdown timer for the entry or exit delay has begun. Entry Delays (per device) and Exit Delays (per mode) are set to 60 seconds by default but can be changed to a different length of time via the Arlo Secure App. The beeping sound speeds up to warn you when only 15 seconds are remaining for the countdown.

Device Warnings

When changing your security system to Arm mode, a warning is issued if one or more devices enabled with panic actions are:

Your security system will not Arm unless you override the device warning (via the Arlo Secure App or keypad) or address the problem before proceeding. If you override the device, it will no longer trigger panic actions for that mode. You will continue to receive assigned detection notifications and be able to cross-trigger other devices if configured.

Device Warnings

To Override a Device Warning:

Via Arlo Secure App

  1. Review the warning notification list of affected devices
  2. Tap Confirm to override all affected devices and proceed with the selected mode change

Via Arlo Keypad device

Press the flashing Check button to override all affected devices. To re-enable panic actions for an overridden device via the Arlo Secure App or Keypad device:

  1. Change mode to Standby
  2. Address the issue – for example, close a door that was open if being used for open/close detection.
  3. Change mode to Arm again.

Create or Cancel a Panic Alarm

Request for assistance from 24/7 Live Security Expert1, while also activating siren-capable devices, and light-capable devices at your location by default. You can customize the Panic Alarm in the Arlo Secure App.Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-15

Create or Cancel a One-touch Emergency Response

Request Fire, Medical, or Police emergency responders to your location without activating siren-capable devices.Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-16

Create Non-Cancellable Duress Alarm

Silently request police without indicating to an intruder that you have initiated an Emergency Response.1 For your safety, a 24/7 Live Security Expert will immediately send police to your location, without standard verification or communication via text or phone call. You will also not receive any notifications through the Arlo Secure App.Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation Guide-17

Tips to Prevent False Alarms

By optimizing settings in the Arlo Secure App:

  • Adjust motion sensitivity for the Sensor and Keypad Sensor Hub.
  • Increase Exit Delay and Entry Delay duration to give you more time when leaving the house or entering your PIN when returning home.
  • Turn on the Pet Sense feature to reduce motion sensor triggers from pets weighing less than 40 lbs.
  • If you set up an automated Arming schedule, ensure it’s up to date to match your family’s arriving and departing activities.
  • Turn on the Use PIN for Arming feature if you have young children or pets.

By optimizing device placement

  • Motion detection can be triggered by common household items or motions. This can include floating or shiny objects, rotating fans, flickering lights, and blinds or curtains that may move by air from an open window or fan. Avoid placing your Sensor or Keypad Sensor Hub where these objects are within the motion detection zone or remove items that may cause a false alarm.
  • Clean all placement surfaces with an alcohol wipe and firmly press the Senor or Magnet onto the surface for secure adhesion, to avoid detecting a false Open event.

For more manuals by Arlo visit, ManualsLibraryy

Arlo SH1001 Home Security System Installation -FAQs

How does the Arlo security system work?

Arlo cameras operate wire-free using battery power. When motion is detected, the camera streams video to your cloud-based Arlo account via a Wi-Fi connection to the Arlo base station.

Do Arlo cameras connect to Wi-Fi or a base station?

Arlo cameras can connect directly to your Wi-Fi router or an Arlo SmartHub/Base Station. Use the Arlo Secure App to manage the setup.

How can I improve the battery life of my Arlo cameras?

Keep cameras at least 3 feet (1 meter) away from your router, SmartHub, or Base Station, and at least 6.5 feet (2 meters) away from other Arlo devices to reduce interference and extend battery life.

How many cameras can Arlo support?

The Arlo Secure App can stream up to 15 cameras simultaneously, while the web platform supports up to 5 cameras at a time.

How do I disarm an Arlo keypad?

Press and hold the Standby button on the Arlo Keypad for 2 seconds. Enter the PIN and press the check button to cancel an active alarm or panic button press.

What should I do if my Arlo system goes offline?

If your system is offline after changing your router or network settings, press and release the Sync button on your SmartHub or base station. The Internet LED will blink, and normal operation should resume.

What is the motion detection range of Arlo cameras?

Motion detection range varies:
1. Arlo Q and Q Plus: up to 50 feet
2. Arlo Wire-Free: up to 15 feet
3. Arlo Pro Wire-Free and Arlo Go: up to 23 feet

Do Arlo cameras support audio recording?

Yes, all Arlo cameras except the Arlo Wire-Free model can record video with audio.

What power source does the wire-free keypad use?

The Arlo Wire-Free Keypad runs on four AA batteries but can also be powered via an AC adapter. A micro-USB cable and 5V 2A power adapter (not included) can be used for this purpose.

Can I connect Arlo cameras without a hub?

Yes, you can connect certain Arlo cameras directly to a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network without a SmartHub or Base Station using the Arlo Secure App.

Do I need a base station for Arlo cameras?

A base station or SmartHub is optional for some models, such as the Arlo Essential Indoor Cameras, which can connect directly to your Wi-Fi router.

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