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Emerson Sensi UP500W Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat Instructions Manual

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Emerson Sensi UP500W Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat

Emerson Sensi UP500W Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat-product

Buttons and Icons

The Sensi Wi-Fi Programmable Thermostat can be operated through Wi-Fi using the Sensi app or it can be operated at the actual wall unit. Advanced features such as thermostat settings, scheduling and email alerts are only available through the Sensi app.Emerson Sensi UP500W Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat 1

Basic Functionality


Press the “Mode” button to switch between all available system mode settings. When the Mode is “Off” the thermostat will not bring on your heating or cooling systems.Emerson Sensi UP500W Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat 2


If you want to circulate the indoor blower, you can switch the Fan to “On.” Turn the Fan back to “Auto” when you want the thermostat to control your indoor blower as necessary. Leaving the Fan in “On” will run your blower continuously.Emerson Sensi UP500W Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat 3


If you want to hold one temperature, turn Schedule “Off.” Then, adjust the set point using the up and down arrow buttons. The thermostat will hold this temperature, in the set Mode, until you turn Schedule back “On” or until you adjust the set point again using the up and down arrow buttons.Emerson Sensi UP500W Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat 4


When your schedule is set to “On,” your Sensi thermostat controls your home based on the time and temperature settings in the current schedule. To temporarily change your temperature use the up and down arrows in the app or on the thermostat. Your Sensi thermostat will display “Temporarily Set To” on the thermostat and will hold your new temperature until the next scheduled set point with a minimum hold time of two hours.Emerson Sensi UP500W Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat 5


If connecting to Wi-Fi is not an option, you can turn off Wi-Fi on the thermostat and manually set a time and a schedule from the wall unit.
To turn off Wi-Fi:

  1. Press “Menu”.
  2. Press “Next” five times to go to the “Wireless (Setup)” screen. “On” should be flashing at the top.
  3. Use the up and down arrow buttons to change it to “Off”.
  4. Press “Exit”.Emerson Sensi UP500W Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat 6

Manual Settings


When connecting the thermostat to Wi-Fi, the time will sync automatically. If not connecting to Wi-Fi, follow these steps to set the time at the thermostat.

  1. Turn Wi-Fi Off. (Refer to section “Turn Wi-Fi Off” on page 4).
  2. Press and hold the “Schedule” button.
  3. The screen will go blank and the time will start flashing at the top. Use the up and down arrow buttons to rotate through the times until you get to the appropriate time of day.
  4. Press “Exit”.

Emerson Sensi UP500W Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat 7



When connecting the thermostat to Wi-Fi, the schedule is programmed based on time and temperature set points from the Sensi app. If you are not connecting to Wi-Fi, follow these steps to set a basic 7 day schedule with 4 mandatory set points.

(More robust scheduling options are only available through the Sensi app.)

  1. Turn Wi-Fi Off. (Refer to section “Turn Wi-Fi Off” on page 4).
  2. Use the “Mode” button to set which type of schedule it will be: Heat or Cool.Emerson Sensi UP500W Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat 8
  3. Press and hold the “Schedule” button, until you see the time flash at the top of the screen.
    1. Adjust the time on the thermostat if needed, using the up and down arrow buttons.Emerson Sensi UP500W Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat 9
  4. Press “Next”.
  5. You will see a large number in the middle of the screen. This refers to your set point.
    1. The time will be flashing at the top of the screen. Adjust the time of the first set point using the up and down arrow buttons.
    2. Press “Next”. The set point will be flashing. Adjust the set point using the up and down arrow buttons.
    3. Press “Next”.
    4. Repeat steps a-c for the second, third, and fourth set points.Emerson Sensi UP500W Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat 10
  6. Press “Exit”.
  7. Make sure “Schedule” is set to “On” on the thermostat.


If you need to keep track of your time and temperature set points, use this table.



Daily Start TimeDaily Temp



1ST6:00 AM70F
2ND8:00 AM62F
3RD5:00 PM70F
4TH10:00 PM62F



1ST6:00 AM78F
2ND8:00 AM85F
3RD5:00 PM78F
4TH10:00 PM82F




Daily Start TimeDaily Temp








Menu Configurations

Pressing “Menu” at the thermostat allows you to change a series of settings to customize the thermostat for your specific system. Refer to the chart below for a complete listing of thermostat configurations and what they stand for. If you are installing the thermostat on the wall for the first time, we highly recommend that you download the Sensi app and follow the installation instructions.

Configuration Menu Items Reference
No.Menu Item                                                   DefaultOptions
1Wireless Setup

Connects Thermostat to Wi-Fi network

2Fahrenheit or CelsiusFF C
3Outdoor Equipment Configuration

Configuration for the outdoor equipment – either heat pump or conventional A/C systems.

AC2AC1 – Conventional

Cooling 1

(single stage)

AC2 – Conventional

Cooling 2

(Two Stage)

HP1 – Heat Pump 1

(Single Stage)

HP2 – Heat Pump 2

(Two Stage)

AC0 – No Cooling

4Indoor Equipment Configuration

Configuration for the indoor equipment – either electric or gas (which also refers to oil, propane and boiler) heat systems.

EL2GA1 – Gas 1

(Single Stage)

GA2 – Gas 2

(Two Stage)

EL1 –  Electric 1

(Single Stage)

EL2 –  Electric 2

(Two Stage)

FAN – Fan (No Heat)

5Reversing Value Position

Configuration for the default reversing valve state. This is for the wire in the “O/B” terminal. This is relevant for heat pumps, zone valves, and zone panel systems.

OO – (o) – Energize in Cool B – (b) – Energize in Heat Z- (2) – Zone valve setting
6Wireless Radio

Turns Wi-Fi Radio On/Off



Wiring Terminals

See below for definitions of the wiring terminals on the sub-base of the thermostat.



Terminal Label



RH*Power for heating, 24V
RC*Power for cooling, 24V
C**Common wire, 24V
GIndoor blower (fan)
YFirst outdoor stage cooling on conventional systems or first heat and cool on heat pump systems.
Y2Second outdoor stage cooling on conventional systems or second heat and cool on two stage heat pump systems.
W/EFirst indoor stage heat on conventional systems or first stage auxiliary/emergency heat on heat pump systems.
W2Second indoor stage heat on conventional systems or second stage auxiliary/emergency heat on heat pump systems.
O/BChangeover (reversing valve) connection for heat pump or zone panel systems
LHeat Pump system, “L” wire connection.

* If the old thermostat has separate RC and RH wires coming out of the wall, clip the RC/RH jumper on the back of the thermostat above the battery compartment.

**The common wire could be labeled “C” on your old thermostat, or it could be labeled “B” or “X.” Please refer to the owner’s manual for clarification.


Wire color does not always correspond to the thermostat letters. A white wire may be attached to the “W” terminal on the old thermostat, or it may be attached to a different terminal with a different letter. Be sure to take a photo of the old thermostat that shows the wire colors and terminal letters before labeling and removing any wires.

Back of the Face Plate

Below is a picture of the back of the Sensi thermostat face plate. The back plate shows the jumper wires, battery compartment, and some useful information about your thermostat.Emerson Sensi UP500W Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat 11

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