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Tavool TH250 4-in-1 Wall Stud Finder User Manual


Tavool TH250 4-in-1 Wall Stud Finder

Tavool TH250 4-in-1 Wall Stud Finder-Prodduct

Stud Center Finder, Metal and AC Live Wire Detector (TH250)

This stud finder is designed to find the wooden or metal stud and avoid the metal and AC wires. This item features four scanning modes:

  • Stud scan: Locates the center and edges of wood and metal studs up to 0.75 in. (19 mm) deep.
  • Deep mode: Locates the center and edges of wood and metal studs up to 1.5 in. (38 mm) deep.
  • Metal scan: Detects metal (such as 1⁄2 inch rebar) up to 2.36 in. (60 mm) deep.
  • AC scan: Detects live unshielded AC wires up to 2 in. (51 mm) deep.


  • There is no battery in the tool. Please install the battery first. Push the battery cover at the bottom of the tool and open it. Insert a new 9-volt battery. Snap the battery into place and close battery cover. Low Battery Indicator: The Low Battery Indicator icon displays when the battery level is getting low. When the low battery indicator icon appears on the screen, the battery level is too low and not sufficient to power the tool for proper operation. Please replace the 9-volt battery with a brand new battery immediately.


Tavool TH250 4-in-1 Wall Stud Finder User Manual-1

  1. The Marking Point
  2. AC Wire Warning
  3. Stud Mode Indicator
  4. Low battery Indicator
  5. Metal Mode Indicator
  6. AC Mode Indicator
  7. Stud Deep Mode Indicator
  8. Moving Direction Indicator
  9. Stud Edge Indicator
  10. Stud Center Indicator
  11. Power Button/Mode Switch Button
  12. Scan Button
  13. Battery (Back of Unit

Please note:

  1. Press the mode button (NUMBER 11) to choose the mode.
  2. Press the scan button on the side of the tool (NUMBER 12) to calibrate the tool. After calibrating it, you don’t have to press the scan button all the time when scanning the wall

Stud Scan Mode

  • Use this stud scan mode to find the center and edges of wood or metal studs up to 3/4 inches (19 millimeters) deep. For best results, always start In this mode when looking for studs.
  • Step 1: Press the mode button to choose the “stud mode”
  • Step 2: Put the scanner on the wall and press the Scan Button on the side of the tool to calibrate. After a short beep sounds, confirming calibration is complete.
  • Note: Be sure not to move the scanner while calibrating. Calibrate the tool on the wall before every scan.
  • Step 3: Move it flat against the wall to scan.Tavool TH250 4-in-1 Wall Stud Finder User Manual-2
  • Note: If it finds metal or wooden stud, the screen will show as the picture and it will beep.
  • If it finds nothing, please repeat the above steps ( calibrate it and move it to scan)
  • Step4: Find the edge and center of the stud and mark it.


  1. WireWarning detection works in all modes. The indicator flashes on the screen when detecting a live, unshielded wire
  2. Factors like humidity, temperature, and even the minor electric readings from your hand, which all have an impact on the readings from the wall.
  3. If Stud Scan Mode provides irregular readings, the wood or studs might be behind deeper than 0.75 in. (19 mm). Slide the Mode Selector Switch to Deep Scan Mode.

Deep Scan Mode

Deep scan mode doubles the scanning depth of wood stud and metal stud to 1.5 in. (38 mm) deep and allows for increased accuracy on deeper targets.

  • Step 1: Press the mode button to choose the “Deep mode”
  • Step 2: Put the scanner on the wall and press the Scan Button on the side of the tool to calibrate. After a short beep sounds, confirming calibration is complete.
  • Note: Be sure not to move the scanner while calibrating. Calibrate the tool on the wall before every scan.
  • Step 3: Move it flat against the wall to scan.
  • Note: If it finds metal or wooden stud, the screen will show as the picture and it will beep. If it finds nothing, please repeat the above steps ( calibrate it on a new place on the wall, and move it to scan)Tavool TH250 4-in-1 Wall Stud Finder User Manual-2
  • Step4: Find the edge and center of the stud and mark it.


  1. WireWarning detection works in all modes. The indicator flashes on the screen when detecting a live, unshielded wire.
  2. Factors like humidity, temperature, and even the minor electric readings from your hand, which all have an impact on the readings from the wall.

Important: Confirm it is a metal stud or wooden stud

  • Because the stud finders are looking for a change in density behind a wall in Stud Scan Modes and Deep Scan Modes, not a particular material. The detector will react to metal studs the same as it would for wooden studs. We can only hang things to wooden studs and can’t drill to the metal stud
  • After you detect the center of a stud, Please Use Metal Scan Mode to determine whether the previous reading in Stud scan was a wooden stud or a metal stud.
  • Step 1: Press the mode button to choose the “Metal mode”
  • Step 2:Calibrate the tool in the air
  • Step 3: Put it close to the stud center mark(you made in the previous steps) to test whether the tool will has a reaction. If the signal bar on the screen grows and the tool beeps, it means it is a metal stud, be sure not to drill to it. It is dangerous. If not, it means it is a wooden stud. You can drill it to hang your pictures, a cabinet, TV, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

  1. I do all the steps as the instructions said, but the screen shows nothing. No readings at all
  2. It gives a different center of stud position every time on the same stud
  3. It was not consistent
  4. It works for one stud and not the next
  5. It rarely finds the same center or edge twice, it is wrong 3 out of 5 times. If you encounter the above issues in stud mode or deep mode, It may be caused by the position you do the calibration. Tavool electronic stud finder looks for a change in density behind the wall to locate the wooden stud and the metal studs in Stud Scan Mode and Deep Scan Mode. When you calibrate it at a position on the wall, the stud finder gets an initial density sample. When it gets to the section with different density, the stud finder will create different circuitry inside and trigger its internal program to locate the center of the objects exactly.
    • If you calibrate it exactly on the wooden stud, the initial density sample is not reliable, so the tool may have no readings at all or has different results, or be inconsistent. Similarly, if you calibrate it very close to the wooden stud, the initial density sample is not reliable, too. And it may cause that you didn’t find the exact center, or it works for one stud and not the next. Above all, calibration before every scan is very important. And where you
      Calibrating the tool is important, too.
    • If any other expected questions, or if the tool beeps all the time, please feel free to contact us at to get a replacement or refund. We always stand behind our products to offer proper solutions and won’t let you suffer any loss. If any problems, your contacting us before a review is highly appreciated!

Metal Scan Mode

  • Use this mode to locate metal material and avoid hazards such as pipes behind the wall up to 2.36 in.
  • Metal scan mode has Maximum metal sensitivity and is ideal for quickly finding the approximate location of metal. However, sensitivity can be reduced by calibrating the tool closer to metal. For maximum metal sensitivity, calibrate it in the air by pressing and holding the Power button.
  • Step 1: Press the mode button to choose the “Metal mode”
  • Step 2: Calibrate it in the air or on the wall (when you need to reduce the metal sensitivity) before every scan
  • Step 3: Move it flat against the wall to scan.
  • Step 4: When the signal bar is full, mark the spot. Then move it in the same direction, you will get another spot where the signal bar is full. The metal is at the center of the 2 spots.
  • Step 5: If the distance between the 2 spots is much longer than the actual size, please reduce the metal sensitivity by calibrating it on the wall and exactly on the spot, then repeat step 4 to find the 2 spots. The metal is at the center of the 2 spots.Tavool TH250 4-in-1 Wall Stud Finder User Manual-3


  1. WireWarning detection works in all modes. The indicator flashes on the screen when detecting a live, unshielded wire.
  2. Factors like humidity, temperature, and even the minor electric readings from your hand, which all have an impact on the readings from the wall.

Ac wire Scan Mode

  • Ac wire mode finds live, unshielded, electrical wires up to 2 inches (51 millimeters) deep. It works by sensing the magnetic field changes of a live AC wire. It indicates where the ac wire is but not the exact center. And it needed to calibrate in the air, too.
  • Step 1: Press the mode button to choose the “Ac wire mode”
  • Step 2: Calibrate it in the air or on the wall before every scan
  • Step 3: Move it flat against the wall to scan.Tavool TH250 4-in-1 Wall Stud Finder User Manual-2


  • Press MODE button switch to the desired mode: Stud mode for finding wood or metal studs for 3/4 in.(19mm); Deep Mode for scanning walls for 3/2 in. (38 mm) thick; Metal Scan for locating metal; or AC Scan for locating live AC wiring. Unit will remain off if the Power button is not pressed.
  • Wallpaper: TH250 that functions normally on walls covered with wallpaper or fabric, unless the materials are metallic foil, contain metallic fibers, or are still wet after application. Wallpaper may need to dry for several weeks after application. Freshly painted walls: May take one week or longer to dry after application.
  • Lath & plaster: Due to irregularities in plaster thickness, it is difficult for MultiScannerTH250 to locate studs in Stud modes. Change to Metal Scan mode to locate the nail heads holding wood lath to the studs. If the plaster has metal mesh reinforcement, TH250 may be unable to detect through that material.
  • Extremely textured walls or acoustic ceilings:
  • When scanning a ceiling or wall with an uneven surface, place thin cardboard on the surface to be scanned and scan over the cardboard in Deep mode. If irregular scanning results are received, switch to Metal Scan mode to locate nails or drywall screws that line up vertically where a stud or joist is positioned. Extremely textured walls or acoustic ceilings
  • Wood flooring, subflooring, or gypsum drywall over plywood sheathing: Use Deep mode and move the tool slowly. The Signal Strength Indicator may only display 1 or 2 bars when the tool locates a stud through thick surfaces. TH250 cannot scan for wood studs and joists through concrete or carpet and padding. In problematic situations, try using Metal Scan to locate nails or screws that may line up vertically where a stud or joist is positioned.
  • Note: Sensing depth and accuracy can vary due to moisture, content of materials, wall texture, and paint

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