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Vogelzang International VG5770 Pellet Stove Owners Manual-feat

Vogelzang International VG5770 Pellet Stove Owners Manual

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Vogelzang International VG5770 Pellet Stove

Vogelzang International VG5770 Pellet Stove Owners Manual-main



  • Read this entire manual before you install and use your pellet stove. Failure to follow instructions may result in property damage, bodily injury, or even death! (See specific installation details for clearances and other installation requirements) A Freestanding Unit—supported by pedestal/legs and placed on a non-combustible floor surface in compliance with clearance requirements for a freestanding stove installation.
  • An Alcove Unit—supported by pedestal/legs and placed on a non-combustible floor surface in compliance with clearance
    requirements for an alcove installation. Your pellet stove may be installed to code in either a conventional or mobile home (see SPECIAL MOBILE HOME REQUIREMENTS). The installation must comply with the Manufactured Home and Safety Standard (HUD), CFR3280, Part 24. It is recommended that only an authorized technician install your pellet stove, preferably an NFI-certified specialist.
  • DO NOT CONNECT THIS UNIT TO ANY AIR DISTRIBUTION DUCT OR SYSTEM. The use of components other than stated herein could cause bodily harm, and heater damage, and void your warranty.
  • IMPROPER INSTALLATION: The manufacturer will not be held responsible for damage caused by the malfunction of a stove due to improper venting or installation. Call (800) 750-2723 and/or consult a professional installer if you have any questions.


  • Your pellet stove has been tested and listed for installation in residential, mobile homes, and alcove applications in accordance with the clearances given in FIGURES 3-6 and TABLE 1. For safety reasons, please adhere to the installation clearances and restrictions. Any reduction in clearance to combustibles may only be done by means approved by a regulatory authorityVogelzang International VG5770 Pellet Stove Owners Manual-1Vogelzang International VG5770 Pellet Stove Owners Manual-2Vogelzang International VG5770 Pellet Stove Owners Manual-3
  • A – Backwall to unit 3.00 / 76mm
  • B – Sidewall to flue 11.00 / 280mm
  • C – Sidewall to the op edge of unit 8.00 / 203mm
  • CORNER ALCOVE  D – Adjacent wall to unit 8.00 / 203mm
  • E – Alcove depth 36.00 – 914mm
  • F – Alcove height 60.00 – 1520mm


  • This heater must have a non-combustible floor protector (ember protection) installed beneath it if the floor is of combustible material. If a floor pad is used, it should be UL-listed or equal. The floor pad or non-combustible surface should be large enough to cover at least the area under the product and 6 in. (152 mm) beyond the front and beyond each side of the fuel loading and ash removal openings. Your heater will need a minimum 31” x 38” floor protector.
  • Floor protection must extend under and 2 in. (50.8mm) to each side of the chimney tee for an interior vertical installation (see FIGURE 2). Canadian Installations require a minimum of 450 mm [17.7”] beyond the front of the unit and 200mm [7.8”] beyond each side of the unit. A Floor Protector of ¼ inch thick is recommended for this installationVogelzang International VG5770 Pellet Stove Owners Manual-4Vogelzang International VG5770 Pellet Stove Owners Manual-5
  • A UL-listed 3-inch or 4-inch type “PL” pellet vent exhaust system must be used for installation and attached to the pipe connector provided on the back of the stove (use a 3-inch to 4-inch adapter for a 4-inch pipe). The connection at the back of the stove must be sealed using Hi-Temp RTV. Use a 4-inch vent if the vent height is over 12 feet or if the installation is over 2,500 feet above sea level.
  • We recommend the use of Simpson Dura-Vent® or Metal-Fab® pipe (if you use another pipe, consult your local building codes and/or building inspectors). Do not use Type-B Gas Vent pipe or galvanized pipe with this unit. The pellet vent pipe is designed to be disassembled for cleaning and should be checked several times during the burning season. A pellet vent pipe is not furnished with the unit and must be purchased separately.
  • The installation must include a clean-out tee to enable the collection of fly ash and to permit periodic cleaning of the exhaust system. 90-degree elbows accumulate fly ash and soot thereby reducing exhaust flow and the performance of the stove. Each elbow or tee reduces draft potential by 30% to 50%.
  • All joints in the vent system must be fastened by at least 3 screws, and all joints must be sealed with Hi-Temp RTV silicone sealant to be airtight. The area where the vent pipe penetrates to the exterior of the home must be sealed with silicone or other means to maintain the vapor barrier between the exterior and the interior of the home. Vent surfaces can get hot enough to cause burns if touched by children. Noncombustible shielding or guards may be required.


  • A) Minimum 4-foot (1.22m) clearance below or beside any door or window that opens.
  • B) Minimum 1-foot (0.3m) clearance above any door or window that opens.
  • C) Minimum 3-foot (0.91m) clearance from any adjacent building.
  • D) Minimum 7-foot (2.13m) clearance from any grade when adjacent to public walkways.
  • E) Minimum 2-foot (0.61m) clearance above any grass, plants, or other combustible materials.
  • F) Minimum 3-foot (0.91m) clearance from a forced air intake of any appliance.
  • G) Minimum 2-foot (0.61m) clearance below eves or overhang.
  • H) Minimum 1-foot (0.3m) clearance horizontally from the combustible wall.
  • I) Must be a minimum of 3 feet (0.91m) above the roof and 2 feet (0.61m) above the highest point or the roof within 10 feet (3.05m)Vogelzang International VG5770 Pellet Stove Owners Manual-6


  • Canadian installations must conform to CAN/CSA-B365. To vent the unit through the wall, connect the pipe adapter to the exhaust motor adapter. If the exhaust adapter is at least 18 in.(457mm) above ground level, a straight section of pellet vent pipe can be used through the wall. Your heater dealer should be able to provide you with a kit that will handle most of this installation, which will include a wall thimble that will allow the proper clearance through a combustible wall. Once outside the structure, a 3 in.(76mm) clearance should be maintained from the outside wall and a clean-out tee should be placed on the pipe with a 90-degree turn away from the house. At this point, a 3ft (0.91m) (minimum) section of pipe should be added with a horizontal cap, which would complete the installation (see FIGURE 7).Vogelzang International VG5770 Pellet Stove Owners Manual-7

OUTSIDE AIR SUPPLY (optional, unless installed in a mobile home)

  • Adequate ventilation air is required to operate this heater. During operation, the heater draws air for combustion which can be assisted by the installation of outside combustion air inlets. However, certain weather conditions such as icing or the use of kitchen exhaust fans may impact and reduce the effectiveness of vents. It is important to note that room air starvation will negatively impact the operation of the heater.
  • Depending on your location and home construction, outside air may be necessary for optimal performance. Metal pipe (solid or flexible) must be used for the outside air installation. PVC pipe is NOT approved and should NEVER be used.Vogelzang International VG5770 Pellet Stove Owners Manual-8Vogelzang International VG5770 Pellet Stove Owners Manual-9

Control Panel


  • The blowers and automatic fuel supply are controlled from a panel on the top of the VG5770. The control panel functions are as follows.


  • When pushed, the stove will automatically ignite. No other fire starter is necessary. The igniter will stay on for at least 10 and up to 12 minutes, depending on when Proof of Fire is reached. The fire should start in approximately 5 minutes.
  • The red light located above the “POWER” button will turn green when pressed and remain green until the stove is turned off.
  • After pushing “POWER”, the auger motor is on for 3.5 minutes, and off for 1 minute. During the remainder of the start-up period, the auger motor operates on the heat range “1” setting.
  • During start the heat level advance (Up and Down keys) will change the heat range indicator level accordingly, but there is no change in the stove’s operating conditions until start-up is completed.
  • During start-up ignition must occur within 12 minutes or the stove will error out and show E4.
  • During the start-up phase, the Mode key does not function.Vogelzang International VG5770 Pellet Stove Owners Manual-11


  • These buttons when pushed will set the pellet feed rate, hence the heat output or heat range of your stove.
  • The levels of heat output will incrementally change on the bar graph starting from heat range “1” to heat range “5”.

C. °C / °F Button

  • The °C / °F button changes your two-digit display from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit.


  • The Mode of the stove can be switched between manual and controlled with a Thermostat. Separate LEDs to the left of the two-digit display indicate the mode of operation – Manual or T-Stat. The stove has to be in normal operation to be switched from Manual to T-Stat mode.
  • Manual mode operates according to the 5 set levels of feed on the bar graph from heat range “1” to heat range “5”.
  • T-Stat mode works as follows:
  • The stove has a built-in Thermostat in the controls of the appliance. The temperature sensor for the T-Stat is located on the back of the stove behind the display board.
  • Once the stove has gone into run mode the stove can be switched into T-Stat mode.
  • The Up and Down Level / Temp Arrow buttons are used to change the desired set-point temperature. Once the desired temperature is reached the two-digit display will flash for four seconds and reset to the actual room temperature.
  • Once the stove reaches within 3°F of the desired temperature set point, it returns to the heat range that the stove was set on before it was switched to T-Stat mode (if the stove was running on heat range “5” when switched to T-stat mode when it gets within 3°F of the set point it will return to heat range “5”).
  • Once the stove reaches the desired set-point, the stove will drop to heat range “1”.
  • When room temperature drops below the desired set-point the stove will ramp back up until it reaches the desired temperature.



  • THIS STOVE IS APPROVED FOR BURNING PELLETIZED WOOD FUEL ONLY! Factory-approved pellets are those 1/4” or 5/16” in diameter and not over 1” long. Longer or thicker pellets sometimes bridge the auger fl rights, which prevents proper pellet feed. Burning wood in forms other than pellets is not permitted. It will violate the building codes for which the stove has been approved and will void all warranties. The design incorporates an automatic feed of
    the pellet fuel into the fire at a carefully prescribed rate. Any additional fuel introduced by hand will not increase heat output but may seriously impair the stove’s performance by generating considerable smoke. Do not burn wet pellets.

The stove’s performance depends heavily on the quality of your pellet fuel. Avoid pellet brands that display these characteristics:

  1. Excess Fines – “Fines” is a term describing crushed pellets or loose material that looks like sawdust or sand. Pellets can be screened before being placed in a hopper to remove most fines.
  2. Binders – Some pellets are produced with materials to hold them together, or “bind” them.
  3. High ash content – Poor quality pellets will often create smoke and dirty glass. They will create a need for more frequent maintenance. You will have to empty the burn pot plus vacuum the entire system more often. Poor-quality pellets could damage the auger. We cannot accept responsibility for damage due to poor quality pellet.


  • Remove the burn pot, making sure it is clean and none of the air holes are plugged. Clean the fi rebox, and then reinstall the burn pot. Clean door glass if necessary (a dry cloth or paper towel is usually sufficient). Never use abrasive cleaners on the glass or door. Check fuel in the hopper, and refill if necessary.
  • NOTE: The VG5770 Hopper can hold up to 60 lbs. of pellets.


Never use a grate or other means of supporting the fuel. Use only the burn pot supplied with this heater. The hopper lid must be closed in order for the unit to feed pellets. During the start-up period:

  1. Make sure the burn pot is free of pellets.
  2. DO NOT open the viewing door.
  3. DO NOT open the damper, the damper needs to be closed during start-up.
  4. DO NOT add pellets to the burn pot by hand.
    • NOTE: During the first few fires, your stove will emit an odor as the high-temperature paint cures or becomes seasoned to the metal. Maintaining smaller fi res will minimize this. Avoid placing items on the stovetop during this period because the aint could be affected.



  • Use the following as a guide under average use conditions. Gaskets around the door and door glass should be inspected and repaired or replaced when necessary.
 Daily             Weekly            Monthly or as needed
Burn PotStirredEmpty 
Combustion Chamber Brushed 
Ashes CheckEmpty
Interior Chambers  Vacuumed
Combustion Blower Blades  Vacuumed / Brushed
Convection Blower Impeller  Vacuumed / Brushed
Vent System  Cleaned
Gaskets  Inspected
Hopper (end of season)  Emptied and vacuumed

Trouble Shooting Guide

The display is Flashing “E1”
Possible CausesPossible Remedies: (Unplug stove first when possible)
1. The convection blower is overheating and tripping the internal temperature shutoff.Clean any dust off of the windings and fan blade. If oiling the blower does not help, the blower may be bad.

2. The stove is being left on the highest setting for extended periods of time.

If operating the heater on the highest heat setting, the room temperature could increase enough and lead to potential overheating situations. If this happens try operating at a lower heat setting.

3. Fuel other than wood pellets is being burned in the stove.

This pellet stove is designed and tested to use wood pellets. Check for signs of fuel other than wood pellets. No other types of fuel have been approved for this pellet stove. If there are signs of other types of fuel being used, stop using them immediately.

4. Power surge or brownout situation.

A power surge, spike, or voltage drop could cause the high-limit switch to trip. Check to see if a surge protector is being used on the stove. If not, recommend one to the customer.
5. High Limit Switch is malfunctioning.If the other items check out OK, replace the high-limit switch.
The display is Flashing “E2”
Possible CausesPossible Remedies: (Unplug stove first when possible)

1. The airflow switch hose or stove attachment pipes for the hose are blocked.

Unhook the air hose from the air switch and blow through it. If air flows freely, the hose and tube are fine. If air will not flow throw the hose, use a wire coat hanger to clear the blockage.
2. The air inlet, burn pot, interior combustion air chambers, combustion blower, or exhaust pipe are blocked with ash or foreign material.Follow all cleaning procedures in the maintenance section of the owner’s manual.
3. The firebox is not properly sealed.Make sure the door is closed and that the gasket is in good shape.

4. The vent pipe is incorrectly installed.

Check to make sure vent pipe installation meets the criteria in the owner’s manual.

5. The airflow switch wire connections are bad.

Check the connectors that attach the gray wires to the air switch.


6. Combustion blower failure.

With the stove on, check to see if the combustion blower is running. If it is not, you will need to check for power going to the combustion blower. It should be a full current. If there is power, the blower is bad. If there is not, see #8.
7. The control board not sending power to the combustion blower.If there is no current going to the combustion blower, check all wire connections. If all wires are properly connected, you have a bad control board.

8. The control board not sending power to air switch.

There should be a 5-volt current (approximately) going to the air switch after the stove has been on for 30 seconds.



9. The air switch has failed.

To test the air switch, you will need to disconnect the air hose from the body of the stove. With the other end still attached to the air switch, very gently suck on the loose end of the hose (you may want to remove the hose entirely off the stove and the air switch first and make sure it is clear). If you hear a click, the air switch is working. BE CAREFUL TOO MUCH VACUUM CAN DAMAGE THE AIR SWITCH.

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What does the E1 error code mean on my Vogelzang pellet stove?

The E1 error indicates an overheat issue, meaning a thermodisk has been tripped. To reset it, press the small button in the center of the disk, located on the exhaust blower or the back of the unit.

What does the E4 error code mean on a Vogelzang 5790 pellet stove?

The E4 code appears if ignition does not occur within 12 minutes during startup. Ensure pellets are feeding properly and the stove is igniting correctly.

How do I fix the E1 error code?

The E1 code on a boiler typically means a pressure drop. To fix it, turn off the boiler and repressurize the system until the gauge reads around 1 Bar in the green zone.

What is Eco Mode on a pellet stove?

Eco Mode 1 turns the stove off when the desired temperature is reached and restarts when the room cools. Eco Mode 2 reduces the stove to its lowest power setting (P4) instead of shutting down.

How can I use my pellet stove during a power outage?

The best way to operate a pellet stove without power is by using a battery backup system, which automatically takes over when AC power is lost.

What is Auto Mode on a pellet stove?

In Auto Mode, the stove automatically ignites and controls the heat. In Manual Mode, ignition must be done manually. The stove will function differently depending on whether it’s in room temp mode or stove temp mode.

How long does it take for a pellet stove to heat up?

A pellet stove typically takes 3 to 6 hours to reach the desired temperature after startup.

What does the E2 error code mean on a Vogelzang pellet stove?

The E2 code indicates a vacuum loss. To troubleshoot, disconnect the vacuum hose from the switch, try blowing through it, and then reconnect it. If airflow is blocked, clean or replace the hose.

How do I reset the E4 error code on my pellet stove?

Turn off the stove at the power source, wait 10 seconds, and turn it back on. If the issue persists, check the temperature sensor, as an E4 error indicates a temperature-related problem.

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