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Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-feat

Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat User Manual

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Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat

Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-main

Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-1

Selecting the Heat or Cool Mode

Select Mode by Pressing the MODE Button

Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-3

Selecting Your Desired Temperature (adjusting the setpoints)


  • Pressing the UP or DOWN buttons in Auto or Program mode will adjust both the heat and cool set temperatures simultaneously.Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-4

Front Panel

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Display Features

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  1. Mode Indicators0rs-Section 4
    • Selects the operational mode of the equipment.
    • HEAT – Indicates the heating mode.
    • COOL – Indicates the air conditioning mode.
    • AUTO – Indicates the system will automatically change between heat and cool modes as the temperature varies.
    • OFF – Indicates heating and cooling are turned off.
    • PROGRAM ON – Indicates the time period the program is enabled to run.
  2. Clock with Day of the Week – Section 3
    • Indicates the current time and day. This clock is also used to program the time period schedules.
  3. Room Temperature Display – Section 5
    • Indicates the current room temperature and displays the outdoor temperature when selected.
  4. Desired Set Temperature – Section 4/5
    • Indicates desired room temperature(s). Also displays the highest and lowest outdoor temperatures for the day.
  5. Outside icon – Section 5
    • Indicates the temperature displayed is from the optional outdoor sensor.

Operating Mode when the Thermostat is Configured to be:

  • PROGRAMMABLE WITH MANUAL CHANGEOVER – If the thermostat is configured to be a programmable thermostat with Manual Changeover, the following screens will be available by pressing the MODE button.

Select Mode by Pressing the MODE Button

Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-3

Programming a Daily Schedule

  • Press the PROGRAM button to enter time programming. Continued Use the Programming Worksheet on the back cover to help with this section.Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-8

Overriding the Daily Schedule

  • The OVERRIDE button may be used to interrupt the normal time schedule programming of the thermostat. Override may only be used when the thermostat is running the time schedule, in Program On mode.
  • Unoccupied Operation – During programmed, unoccupied periods, pressing the OVERRIDE button will temporarily force the thermostat into Occupied 1 comfort settings for 30 minutes. The remaining Override time will alternate with the clock (refer to the second display below). The Override timer can be set up to a maximum of four (4:00) hours, in increments of 30 minutes. If the timer has been set for the maximum time, the next press of the OVERRIDE button will reset the timer, returning the thermostat to the correct time period program for the day.
  • Occupied Operation – During programmed, occupied periods, a press of the OVERRIDE button will force the thermostat into an unoccupied period for the remainder of the day. During this forced unoccupied period the OVERRIDE button will operate as described above.Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-9

Locking/Unlocking the Keypad

  • To prevent unauthorized use of the thermostat, the front panel buttons may be disabled. To disable, or ‘lock’ the keypad, press and hold the MODE button. While holding the MODE button, press the UP and DOWN buttons together. The Lock icon will appear on the display, then release the buttons.Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-10

Installing the Humidity Module

  • To install the Humidity Module the thermostat must be detached from the back plate. Plug the Humidity Module into the Humidity Module connector as shown in Figure 2 below. Follow the detailed instructions included with the Humidity Module accessory. Once the Humidity Module has been installed, you must adjust the Humidity jumper setting to HUM as shown in Figure 1 below. This will allow you to access the humidification and dehumidification setup steps.
  • For proper humidity operation, this jumper must be set for HUM.Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-11

Setting a Thermostat Jumper for Humidity Operation

  • To control a MISC output for humidification, place the MISC1, MISC2, or MISC3 jumper on the terminal labeled HUM (see diagram below). This will supply 24VAC to the selected MISC terminal based on the humidification programming in the following pages. Only one of the three outputs (MISC1, MISC2, or MISC3) is required to have this jumper. For more information regarding the MISC1, MISC2, and MISC3 outputs, please see section 21.
  • In the diagram below, the MISC3 jumper has been set for HUM (humidify) operationVenstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-12

Using Emergency Heat

  • ENTER EMERGENCY HEAT: Only available if you have a Heat Pump installed. To initiate the Emergency Heat feature, press the FAN button. While holding the FAN button press the UP button. The Cool setpoint display will read ‘EH’ (emergency heat).Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-13
  • OPERATION: During Emergency Heat operation the thermostat will turn on the fan and the 2nd stage of heat when there is a demand for heat. Also during Emergency Heat, the 1st stage of heating or cooling will be unavailable.

Adjusting the Heat/Cool Differential

  • The Heat and Cool setpoints will not be allowed to come any closer to each other than the value in this step. This minimum difference is enforced during Auto-Changeover operation.
  • Note: Press the MODE button momentarily to move through the setup screens. Press and hold the MODE button to move backward through the setup screensVenstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-14
  • Note: To increase the spread between the heating and cooling setpoints, press the MODE button until only the heat setpoint is displayed. Adjust the desired setpoint. Wait two seconds after adjusting the set point so the thermostat can accept the change. Press the MODE button until only the cool setpoint is displayed. Adjust the desired setpoint. Wait two seconds after adjusting the set point so the thermostat can accept the change. Press the MODE button again to enter the Auto-Changeover mode where both the heat and cool setpoints are displayed.

Selecting 2nd Stage Turn Off Temperature

  • If ON is selected, the second stage of cooling or heating will remain energized until the thermostat reaches the setpoint on the thermostat display.
  • If OFF is selected, the second stage of cooling or heating will turn off after reaching the 1st stage deadband (see page 13.4 for more information).
  • Press the MODE button. While holding the MODE, press the PROGRAM button to enter the Setup screens.Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-15

Controlling or Reading the Remote Temperature (RS1)

  • The thermostat may be programmed to only READ the remote sensor or CONTROL to the remote sensor. Refer to advanced setup step #37 below.
  • Read Only Sensor (RS1): If step #37 is set to only READ to the remote sensor, the thermostat will not use this sensor for temperature control. This sensor may be viewed by pressing the OUTDOOR button on the thermostat and then pressing the MODE button.
  • Control Sensor (RS1): If step #37 is set to CONTROL to the remote sensor, the thermostat will ignore the reading of its internal temperature sensor and only display the temperature reading from the remote sensor. The degree icon on the thermostat will blink once per second to indicate that a remote sensor reading is being displayed
  • Press the MODE button. While holding the MODE, press the PROGRAM button to enter the Setup screensVenstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-16

Dry Contact Programming

  • OCCUPIED 1 OR SERVICE THE CONDENSATE DRAIN PAN – If Occupied 1 is selected in step #41 (below), when the dry contact is energized the thermostat will be forced into Occupied 1 setpoints and the Occupied 1 icon will blink (Section 6). The thermostat must be in Program On mode for this feature to have any effect. If Service Pan is selected, when the dry contact is energized the thermostat will lockout Y1 (compressor) and write Service Pan on the display.
  • Note: Press the MODE button momentarily to move through the setup screens. Press and hold the MODE button to move backward through the setup screens.
  • Press the MODE button. While holding the MODE, press the PROGRAM button to enter the Setup screensVenstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-17
  • NOTE: If Service Pan is selected and the dry contact is closed at least once, the Service Pan icon will remain on the display to alert the user that a problem has occurred. This icon will be cleared once a button is pressedVenstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-18

Random Start Operation

This feature allows a 2 to 30-second delay before energizing the thermostat outputs after any of these events:

  • Loss of Power to the thermostat: When power to the thermostat is interrupted and then restored, Random Start will lock out the outputs of the thermostat for a random amount of time. This delay helps to keep multiple thermostats from energizing their outputs at the same time after a power outage.
  • Changing from an Unoccupied time period to an Occupied time period: If the thermostat is running in the Program On mode and the start time for an Occupied period forces the thermostat from Unoccupied to Occupied 1, Random Start will lockout all outputs of the thermostat for a random amount of time. This delay helps to keep multiple thermostats from energizing their outputs at the same time each day.
  • Closure of the Dry Contact to force Occupied 1 time period: If step #41 (previous page) is programmed for Occupied 1, then Random Start will lockout all outputs of the thermostat for a random amount of time when a Dry Contact closure occurs (depending on step #40). This delay helps to keep multiple thermostats from energizing their outputs each time the Dry Contact is used.

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Venstar T2900 Slimline Commercial Digital Thermostat-FAQs

What does “EH” mean on my Venstar thermostat?

“EH” stands for Electric Heat mode. To enable or adjust this setting, you need to modify the jumper settings on the thermostat’s circuit board or select Electric Heat (EH) operation in the advanced setup menu.

How do I calibrate my Venstar thermostat?

Go to Menu > Settings > Installation Settings > Sensor Settings > Calibrate Sensors to adjust the internal thermostat sensor or any optional wired or humidity sensors.

How do I set the temperature on my Venstar T2900 thermostat?

1. In Heat or Cool mode, use the UP or DOWN buttons to adjust the temperature for that mode only.
2. In Auto or Program mode, pressing UP or DOWN will adjust both heating and cooling temperatures simultaneously.

How can I adjust the thermostat settings?

Use the up and down arrows to set your desired temperature. The system may click when activating heating or cooling.

What do the “G” and “Y” wires on my thermostat control?

1. “Y” (or Y1) controls the cooling system. If you have a heat pump, it manages the compressor.
2. “G” (or G1) controls the fan operation.

Why is the “Cool” indicator flashing on my Venstar thermostat?

A flashing Cool or Heat indicator means the system is actively running. If the thermostat is system-powered, a bi-color LED will also light up (red for heating, green for cooling).

What does “EC” mean on my thermostat?

“EC” or “EL 0C” is an error code indicating low refrigerant levels. This can occur if:
1. The outdoor unit’s valves are not fully open.
2. There is a refrigerant leak or an installation issue.

What is a thermostat lock?

A thermostat lock restricts temperature adjustments to a limited range, preventing unauthorized changes. Users with access via the Home or Nest app can still modify settings or unlock the thermostat.

What happens if the thermostat is stuck open?

If the thermostat is stuck open, coolant continuously flows into the engine, even when not needed. This can prevent the heater from warming up properly, causing only cool air to blow from the vents.

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